Meeting Event Options
Choose which duration appointments you want to be available. By default, there's 15m, 30m and 60m, but you can edit/delete those and choose your own.
"Title" is the name of the "Meeting Duration".
"Meeting Length" is long long the meetings will last.
"Start times in increments of" will automatically generate start times based off your availability, which you'll set on the next page.
Underneath the Meeting Duration section, you'll find "Settings"
This is all down to personal preference and the values you use are very much up to you, but if you're having 60 minute meetings with 60 minute increments, you probably wouldn't want to add a "before" or "after" buffer, then the "Advanced Notice Period" is very much down to whether you want people to be able to book an appointment on the same day.
The "Max Future Booking Time" controls how far in the future your availability shows to people that want to book an appointment.
Further down the page you'll find the notifications section where you can customize email follow up. This can also be done via flows.
Finally, on the right side of the page, you'll see "Business Hours".
It's pretty self explanatory, but if you want to schedule in breaks throughout the day, you can add additional time windows using the + button on the appropriate day.
E.g. You may want to be available 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm, with 1-2pm off for lunch, in which case you'd need to set 2 time windows for the specific days.