Integrating External Payment Processors
This is not something you can do as a beginner with 0 knowledge of coding in JS or sending and receiving API requests, parsing responses in NodeJS etc.
1. Decide on whether you want to use a Hosted payment page with your 3rd party payment processor, or create an input form that passes the values to the payment processor.
2. Be aware that our form builder has a native credit/debit card component that only works with our integrated gateways. You can't use a number field, as the card data would be fully visible in the back end of the platform. We tokenize our native credit/debit card field, however you will need to create an html form and use JS to webhook the info to the payment processor.
If you use a hosted checkout page from your payment processor, the flow would need to look like this:
Our platform sales page > Your 3rd party hosted payment page > Thank you page
Pass the customer information to our platform via api. Easiest way is building a form with the information you want to pass, then sending JSON to the form by using the form api docs that are automatically generated for each form. Full api docs are available at
If you choose to create an html form to pass the values, such as card number, expiry etc, you will either need to add their checkout fields, or embeddable form, depending on how their API is structured and their processes.
The flow would look like this:
Sales page > Order Form (with 3rd party form/fields) > Thank you page.
Just like the hosted payment page, you will then need to pass the info back to our platform, with the easiest way being to use the form api.