1. Overview
  2. Pipelines
  3. Trigger actions based on Task Pipeline dates

Trigger actions based on Task Pipeline dates

Task pipelines have 3 dates associated with them.

-Date Created

-Due Date

-Date Completed

You can use Automation Flows to trigger events or actions based off those dates.

Inside Automation Flows, first, you need to add "Data Step For Condition".

Choose "Task" and then in the 2nd dropdown, choose which type of date you want the condition to be based on.

Then, in the 3rd field, choose the "Condition Operation".

Save that step, and connect the trigger box to "Data Step For Conditon".

Next, find the "Condition" flow step and drag it onto the canvas.

When you click the top dropdown, scroll to the bottom of the list.

You'll see the "Data Set For Condition Step". Select it.

It doesn't matter what other values you put in the fields there, as it's using the "Data Set For Condition Step", so choose what you like and click save.


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