Opportunity Vs Task Pipelines
Task Pipelines
Task Pipelines are for you and your team to see outstanding tasks, due dates, shared notes on projects that have deadlines.
Trello is a great example of a "Task Pipeline".
In our platform, you can create as many task pipelines as you like.
Opportunity Pipelines
Opportunity pipelines are sometimes known as lead or sales pipelines.
They are used to track leads, through your sales process to becoming a customer.
As an example, if the sales process is short, with multiple products, the process might look like this:
Where customers can move through stages very quickly, typically in a few minutes to a few hours.
However, if the sales cycle is longer, which typically happens with higher priced offers, it might look more like this:
For higher price points, there may be multiple appointments and the movement from one stage to the next might take weeks or months.